If your like me, friends, family, and sometimes complete strangers ask you for computer help. One of the Utilities I like to carry with me on USB Key whenever I do this sort of thing is Aida32. Aida 32 id a wonderful program that seems to give you more information than you will ever want. How ever, Aida 32 is a pain in the butt to get and install because the person who wrote it now works for a large company, and can no longer give the softeware away for free. Even if you do manage to find a copy online, it comes in a not-so-easy-to-install-software-with Zip file. To make things easier for myself, I created an Installer for it.
Also, Because People ask me questions about it a lot, I have also created a CD with Aida32 and Many other Decent Utilities on it.
You can contact me for either of these files at
Note: The Website is working now. You can go to http://dankeenan1.tripod.com/index.html and CLick on Aida32 to get aida32. The iso Image it much to large for a free hosting account, so I'll create a torrent for it when I get a chance.